Welcome to the Granddaddy of senior softball since 1930 and the World-Renowned Kids and Kubs. Our regular intraclub competitive season runs in full uniform from the last week in October through March.
The scheduled home team wears white shirts, and the visiting team wears red shirts. The shirts have a large playing number and their last name on the back of the shirt, the American flag on the right sleeve, the City of St Pete Logo on the left sleeve, the member’s first name on the front, and the Kids and Kubs logo on the pocket.
The uniform of the day is long or short dark blue pants—a red, white, and blue cap with the Kids and Kubs logo and a black bowtie. Information on these items will be provided; however, you must buy the long white dress pants.
The Kids and Kubs divide the members into four teams and play against each other at North Shore Field Tuesdays, Thursdays, and some Saturdays beginning at 10:00 and 11:30 AM. Pick-up games are held at these times for the rest of the year with your choice of dress.
Batting and fielding practice begins one-half hour earlier. Men and women who have passed their 74th birthdays may try out and practice during those pre-game sessions.
If interested in joining the club, get an application at the field or request one through kidskubs@gmail.com. Complete the application with proof of age. Submit membership dues to an officer at the field or send them to the office listed above on this home page.
When the season starts, you will be on a 60-day probationary period before you can vote as a member or participate in the outside/special event games with the team.
What’s the matter with “75”?
We’re the ones who are still alive.
Hi-Ho, Kids and Kubs, Let’s go!
Rah, Rah, Rah “75”!
The Kids and Kubs Cheer is shouted during the “Ceremony” where the players line up on the baselines, give the cheer, march around to second base, and then back to home plate to salute the flag. At second base, they stop to remove caps and sing or listen to the national anthem.
The formal white uniform is worn with a black bow tie whenever performing the ceremony.
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- KIDS AND KUBS OFFER LOCAL CHARITIES THE OPPORTUNITY FOR ASSISTANCE IN FUNDRAISING - Kids and Kubs(aka Three Quarter-Century Softball Club) announced that the Club would make available dates for Saturday exhibition games. Charities may sponsor their clubs, churches, favorite charities, family reunions, or company picnics through fundraising efforts. All dates are open except when the City schedules heavy attendance events at the park. St. Pete Chamber members interested …
- Spectrum Bay News 9 Feature Article - To view a feature article broadcast on Spectrum’s Bay News 9, Click Here
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Kids and Kubs Monument - The idea of a monument dedicated to the Kids and Kubs Softball Club originated with player-member Richard Morris. He had seen such a object elsewhere and became enthused with having some place for future members to have as their own for picture taking and reminiscing, and to memorialize all those who have been members before, …
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