Thanks to all the many Kids and Kubs Players and Volunteers who helped to accomplish another great season!
New Players—A record number of 17 new players were welcomed to the Club this season! The total number of players at the end of the season was 63 (49 assigned to teams, 5 pool, 5 IR, and “A” players).
Mayor’s Game—This year saw the 53rd anniversary of the annual Mayor’s Game versus the City Hall Stars. A companion game was also held with the City “TASCO” Teen Sports Team. City Council Vice Chair Copley Gerdes participated in the Club’s presentation of checks to 10 local charities at that time. After the game, the Club President, Hall of Famer Ethel Lehmann, and Jon Reynolds participated in Club recognition at a City Council Meeting and Mayor’s Reception. Thanks to Jon Reynolds for helping with game media, Cubbie Kutchinski for managing the home team, and Ed Asay for his assistance.
Special Games—This season included Family Day, Tampa General, VFW, and Largo. Thanks to Cubbie Kutchinski for coordinating the special games.
Media—The Club and our Softball Hall of Fame star Ethel Lehmann were filmed and featured by Channel 9. Last April, we saw a feature regarding the Club in a nationally distributed Men’s Health Magazine. Other media covered Opening Day. Updates were made periodically to the Club’s Facebook Page and website. Thanks to Jon Reynolds for his many media releases and efforts to obtain media coverage and maintain our Facebook and websites (with help from volunteers Rob Moorman and Erik Mathre.
![]() Learn more about Kids and Kubs here! |
AED Training—AED Training was again provided to select members of each team. Thanks to Debbie Burdeau (Physician’s Assistant) for organizing this.
Santa Parade—The Club participated in the City Santa Parade for the first time in many years. Again, thanks to Jon Reynolds and Cubbie Kutchinski for leading this. We plan to do this again on Nov. 30th. Cubbie’s Bat raffles have raised over $800 to rent the downtown trolly for the 2024 Santa Parade. Thanks to all who participated.
Community Outreach—Information was sent to area civic associations regarding the Club, inviting them to hold benefit games with the Kids and Kubs. A Kids and Kubs PowerPoint was developed, and the Club President presented the story of the Kids and Kubs to the Sunrise Rotary Club and the St. Petersburg Kiwanis Club.
Club Brochure—This year’s brochure included a record 19 paid ads and generated a profit of $2,000 (compared with $845 for the year before). For the first time, the brochure included a full-page ad from the Tampa Bay Rays, thanks to former Club President Clarence Faucett. The brochure was expanded to accommodate the additional ads. Thanks to Ed Asay for managing the brochure, and thanks to those members who obtained the ads. And thanks to boosters Rob Moorman and Erik Mathre for taking new player photos for the brochure and providing photo coverage on Opening Day and the Mayor’s Game.
Annual Banquet—The banquet was again held at Banquet Masters, and the turnout was record-high. Our special guests included Rick Craft, Superintendent of Parks, and Marc Topkin, the Tampa Bay Times sports journalist. Special thanks to Terry Miller for arranging for the banquet and coordinating activities.
Picnics. Two picnics were again held this year, one on Opening Day and the other at the end of the regular season. The cost of these are covered by Club dues. Thanks to Joe Hannah for coordinating the picnics, Lou Weidner, and many others for helping out and bringing your favorite covered dish to share.
Cool Shirts—In September, the board approved using optional alternate “cool” game shirts. (Previous collared game shirts are still mandatory for Opening Day, Mayor’s Game, and other ceremonies or special events) Also, new red and white shirts were provided to the “A” Players to make it easier to tell which team they are playing on in a game.
Trust Fund—In 1981, the Club established a trust fund to perpetuate the Club in the future. Under the terms of the trust, only the interest or dividends may be used each year, with half of that going to the Club’s operational account for expenses and half to be distributed to community charities. As of April, the Trust Fund totaled approximately $93,000. Additionally, the Club’s Reserve account totaled $1,500. During the calendar year 2023, the overall return on the fund was 8.19%. $2,301 was distributed to 10 local charities (and a like amount to the Club’s operational account). Thanks to Bob Kane for serving as Chair of our Trust Investment Committee and members Darwin Schiflett and “Gator” Grady. And thanks to Ed Asay for coordinating the charity distributions.
Giving Back to the Community—In addition to contributions made to charities from the Trust Fund, the Club donated 287 lbs. of food and $440 in cash to the Free Clinic on the occasion of the Mayor’s Game.
Donations to the Club—The Club received two $1,000 donations, one from a Charitable Trust obtained by yours truly and also one from former Club VP Don Osborn.
Rules Updates—8 Playing Rule Updates have been approved by the Club since April 2023.
State Reports—The Club renewed its annual Not-For-Profit Corporation Annual Report, filed its tax, and obtained a Charitable Solicitation License from the state.
Post-Season Play. The Club added a post-season double elimination play-off during the first two weeks of April for the first time.
Captains Appreciation. Thanks to this year’s captains, Jim Budreau (Kids), Cubbie Kutchinski (Kubs), Joe Hannah (Kolts), and Walt Ewald (Kats). Also, special thanks to Player Coordinator Frank Sirois. Congratulations to the Kats for winning the regular season and the Kolts for winning the Round Robin. These jobs all require significant commitments of time and TLC.
Board Officers Appreciation. Thanks to the 23-24 Board for their hard work to make this year’s season another great success, including Terry Miller, VP; Lou Kalorgeras, Secretary; Dave Glauner, Treasurer, and Directors Ed Asay, Walt Ewald, Bob Kane, Cubbie Kutchinski, and Joe Hannah. Also, congratulations to the new board members for the upcoming season: Mike Hines, Frank Sirois, and Mike Vander Syde.
Acknowledging everyone who has stepped up to make this another great season is always challenging. My apologies to any not mentioned.
Will Michaels, President